Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Cheer, Part Two

Christmas cheeriness was derailed a bit last week by a nasty flu and the hectic end of the term, but we're working on getting back on track.

There are some presents under the tree, thanks to an amazing package from Bellingham! As of today, there are a few more courtesy of Matt, which makes our tree look very loved. (I don't know what alternate universe we're living in here, but not only did Matt buy the wrapping supplies of his own volition, but he also completed his shopping and wrapping before me!)

I haven't even sent out our cards yet (guess they'll say "happy New Year" at this rate) but we've got a nice display building up from our friends here.

And this morning we woke up to another dusting of snow, which is perfect for a holiday week of staying warm and writing by the tree!


  1. I'm jealous, I don't have a tree. I need to get back to Washington so it can start feeling like Christmas. So far I've just made Christmas cookies and fudge.

  2. Our Christmas card will be very late...and it better go on the fridge!!
