Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Adventuring

We've been lucky enough to have some beautiful sunny days here lately, and today was relatively free from wind, which made it the perfect day for "adventuring." A friend of ours and I have been going for long walks on the weekends that usually involve heading out into the country and trying to get as close to various farm animals as possible without trespassing. This tends to involve a lot of tromping through muddy forests and climbing fences.

Today, we convinced Matt to join us and bring the camera. I learned the hard way this week that I am not quite functional with the fancy features on the Canon, so it was nice that he had some free time today to come along and capture some of the gorgeous fall sights.

I remembered to bring treats along this time to bribe the various animals we've been stalking, and Leshu and I managed to make good friends with a horse. Now, does anyone know what might lure sheep a little bit closer? We're not having any luck with them.


  1. I miss fall. Maybe I should move to Scotland next year so we can tromp through fields together.
