Sunday, May 29, 2011

'Vacation' in Dundee

When you're a grad student, you'll take what you can get in the vacation category. This past week, we were flat/dog sitting for a friend in the nearby metropolis of Dundee. A mere 25 minutes by bus from St Andrews, Dundee feels like a vast city after our tiny, tiny village of 16,000 (less now that school is out and the students are heading out). Let's be honest, they have a's pretty exciting.

Anyway, instead of boring you with the details, I'll just sketch what our getaway looked like in pictures. Sadly, we didn't bring our camera, so these are all from the iPhone.

We went to the park with Stella, and played a lot of fetch. Matt tried to teach her some discipline.

We watched a lot of movies - both at the DCA and from the collection of our host. There was a 42 inch flatscreen and surround sound. It was awesome.

There was a lot of eating (shocking, I know)...Scottish cheeses, Indian, Turkish, and this delicious tiramisu:

And, like any getaway to a new (ish) city, we did a lot of walking. Here is Matt, posing in front of the 'Matthew Building' at the University of Dundee:

Nothing particularly exciting here, I know, but after months of barely leaving St Andrews (much less our flat) was nice to get away. And it gave me something to post here, for those of you that stuck around during our hiatus.

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